Table 2. Effect of pressure on the temperatures of some defining fixed points#
Substance Assigned Value of equilibrium temperature T90/K Temperature with pressure, p, (dT/dp)/10-8K.Pa-1)* Variation with depth, l, (dT/dl)/10-3 K.m-1)**
e-Hydrogen (T) 13.8033 34 0.25
Neon (T) 24.5561 16 1.9
Oxygen (T) 54.3584 12 1.5
Argon (T) 83.8058 25 3.3
Mercury (T) 234.3156 5.4 7.1
Water (T) 273.16 -7.5 -0.73
Gallium 302.9146 -2.0 -1.2
Indium 429.7485 4.9 3.3
Tin 505.078 3.3 2.2
Zinc 692.677 4.3 2.7
Aluminium 933.473 7.0 1.6
Silver 1234.93 6.0 5.4
Gold 1337.33 6.1 10
Copper 1357.77 3.3 2.6

*Equivalent to millikelvins per standard atmosphere

**Equivalent to millikelvins per metre of liquid

#The Reference Pressure for melting and freezing points is the standard atmosphere (p0 = 101 325 Pa). For triple points (T) the pressure effect is a consequence only of the hydrostatic head of liquid in the cell